Thursday, 20 February 2014

Filming: Day 4

On day four of filming, I filmed the street scene and the final shot of the trailer. These scenes took place in a new location that I hadn't intended on using, which was on a street outside of my house and in my house itself. These settings were ideal as my house had good lighting for the final shot and the street was how I imagined the scene to look.

The first shot was the walking scene. I previously tried this outside at night, however the lighting didn't work out very well so I decided to stick with day light, so I tried doing the scene again the following morning. I wanted to have a tracking shot of my main protagonist on the phone so that the audience would know who she's talking to but wonder where she's going. This would be more of a filler clip for my trailer, however it is relevant to include.

The second shot was of my main protagonist pointing a gun just beside the camera. I did this in a slightly dark, naturally lit area of my house to set the tense mood. I chose a low angle shot as she's pointing the gun at something unseen, which shows her superiority, making the angle of the shot relevant. This scene ends my trailer and because its quite a tense and thought-provoking clip, it'll have my audience wanting to see the film. The scene is also a very pivotal part of my films narrative, therefore including a short clip of it would be effective to getting my audiences attention.

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