Sunday, 23 February 2014

Filming: Day 6

Although I thought five days of filming would have been enough, I decided to change a few of my shots as I didn't feel I had enough of them in my trailer.

I chose to include a shot of the instructions up close, as I didn't feel it was obvious enough what they were when they come through the letterbox. Although this is more of a filler and to confirm what the audience are probably guessing, I feel that the shot it is needed.

Secondly, including a shot of the phone in the phone call scene instead of the original idea I had of doing several shots that fade in and out of my protagonist going to the phone. This is to increase the suspense and make it appear less repetitive.

Finally, to include a shot of the gun coming out of a package. This I felt was needed the most, as the gun wasn't included at all in my trailer until the very end and it appeared a little out-of-place, so including this scene aids the narrative and establishes the genre.

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